DOHA PRE-FORUM 2011Consultation with civil society organizations
Connecting the UNAOC’s mission and the MDG's: an Agenda for Collaborative Action Doha, 3-4 May 2011
The Doha Pre-Forum 2011 with Civil Society Organizations (CSO) is co-organized by the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations and the Drafting Committee of the Doha Forum, in partnership with the Human Rights National Committee of Qatar, the Arab Democracy Foundation, Silatech and the Doha Center for Media Freedom.
The Fourth Annual Forum of the UNAOC will be held in Doha on December 11 to 13, 2011. It will bring together world leaders - UN Secretary-General, Heads of States and Governments, heads of international organizations, Ministers, civil society activists, scholars, Nobel laureates, corporate executives, religious leaders, – and thousands of actors and organizations from around the world actively involved in enhancing intercultural dialogue and cooperation.
Designed as a turning point for the UNAOC’s agenda, the Doha Forum will focus on how to build further upon the close link between the UNAOC’s mission and the Millennium Development Goals agenda. With this new approach the aim is to make the UNAOC able to contribute fully to promoting, encouraging and realizing human rights and fundamental freedoms as the sole foundation of development, justice and peace in the world.
As clearly emphasized in the second Implementation Plan (2009-2011) of the UNAOC (see www.unaoc.org), engagement with civil society organizations as indispensable partners is important to deliver results on the ground and to catalyze action with countries, mobilize broad-based movements and hold leaders accountable for their commitments.
Therefore, in order to make a step forward towards this goal, a Pre-Forum fully dedicated to CSOs will be organized for the first time. Indeed, most, if not all the UNAOC programs, are developed in partnership with civil society organizations; civil society organizations are participating regularly in the UNAOC events and initiatives, namely in its Annual Global Forums. Still, a comprehensive and enhanced working relationship is to be developed in order to create a true platform for long term and sustainable exchanges between the UNAOC and CSOs to reinforce