Tune in every week on Saturday from 9 - 10am est/ 8- 9am cst live or catch the replay on the website.
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Founder George Martinez Launches Critical RE:BOOT Radio Show on Star Com - KKRP Lazer 1610 am1/2/2014 Critical RE:BOOT is a no holds barred critical opinion and tool based analysis show hosted by internationally recognized award winning artist, activist, educator George Rithm Martinez broadcast on the Star Com Radio Network / KKRP AM 1610.
Tune in every week on Saturday from 9 - 10am est/ 8- 9am cst live or catch the replay on the website. Visit Critical RE:BOOT listen to the show
PRESS RELEASE Media Contact: For Immediate Release Monica Arias Miranda, President and CEO February 14, 2013 518-895-5453 / [email protected] For Love of the Community: 40 Rising Latino Leaders Announcing NY’s 2013 40 Under 40 Rising Latino Stars ALBANY, NEW YORK (02-14-13) – The Hispanic Coalition NY, Inc. is proud to announce the 2013 NY’s 40 Under 40 Rising Stars. The Program recognizes members of the Hispanic/Latino community under the age of 40 who have demonstrated outstanding accomplishments and achievements in the areas of business, educations, politics, non-profit sector, community service, and more. The Rising Stars have demonstrated a quality of performance that indicates they are Leaders among their peers and will continue to develop into distinguished members in their community. WESTERN REGION: Luis Emilio Ormaechea (35) Associate Attorney, Underberg & Kessler LLP, MarCe Zerrate (34) Founder, Colomba WNY, Inc. CENTRAL REGION: Taino James Palermo (28) Youth Development Director, YWCA of Syracuse & Onondaga County, Inc. CAPITAL REGION: Sandra Barkevich (39) Student & editor, The Student Connection, SUNY Empire State College,Kathleen O. Broadus (25) Festival Chair, Knickerbocker Film Fesitval, Claudio Gomez (28) EOP Senior Academic Advisor, University at Albany, SUNY – EOP, Ruber Rodriguez (35) Bookkeper, Glenmont Job Corps Academy, Fabrizia M. Rodriguez (25) Attorney, Law Office of Fabrizia M. Rodriguez, Esq. MID HUDSON REGION: Delsie Howey (36) CEO, Christ Our Lord Overpowers Religious Separation (C.O.L.O.R.S.), Jerry Maldonado (38) Program Officer, Ford Foundation, Julieth Nuñez (20) Student, Bard College, Hector S. Rodriguez (35) Legislator, Ulster County Legislature LONG ISLAND REGION: Silvana Diaz (27) Publisher, Noticia Newspaper,Melissa Ann Fernandez (21) Student, Adelphi University, Saul Linares (34) Activista Comunitario Hispano, Eliana Lopez (27) Editor, Noticia Newspaper, Marcos Maldonado (31) Director of Development, Mentoring Partnership of Long Island, Ana R. Martinez (29) Brentwood Gardens Community Organization/ Brentwood Board of Education, Amaury Munoz (21) President and Founder, Heart of Justice, Carmen Julia Piñeyro (36) Chief of Staff, Phil Ramos/Inc. Village of Freeport Trustee, Darlina Marielys SanchezVolunteer/Student, Long Island Civic Engagement Table (LICET), Manny Velasquez-Paredes (39) President, NSHMBA NYC & Department of Labor NEW YORK CITY REGION: Jazmin Chavez (30) Coordinator of Communications and Digital Outreach, LatinoJustice PRLDEF, Rosa Chen (23) Member, DREAM Scholars, Rafael E. Dominguez (34) Director of External Affairs, National Puerto Rican Day Parade, Andrea Garcia (39) Public Affairs Manager, New York State Unified Court System, Carlos Guevara (35) President, Organizacion Juventud Ecuatoriana, Eder Holguin (39) Virtual Fan Network, Robinson Iglesias (30) Attorney, The Law Office of Robinson Iglesias, Vicki Javier (24) Legislative Analyst, New York City Council, Lourdes Lanzot (38) Executive Assistant, UFCW Local 888, George Martinez (38) Founder/Director, Global Block Foundation, Katherine Mateo (23) Student, Stanford Law School, Jessica Medina (30) President/Founder, Loving Curves Collective LLC, Richard Nunez-Lawrence (36) President/CEO, Latino Food Festival, Lilliam Perez (37) Senior Advisor, Office of the NYS Attorney General, Juliana Perez Calle (22) Change Maker, The World, Pedro Antonio Rivera (36) Attorney, Law Office of Pedro Antonio Rivera, Yajaira Saavedra (24) Co-Founder, DREAM Scholars, Armando Somoza (31) Program Manager, Urban Arts Partnership The 2013 Recognition Program & Reception is a ticketed-only-event and more information about tickets will be released shortly. For Sponsorship Opportunities/Journal Advertising and additional information visithttp://www.hcnewyork.com/sponsorship-patrocinio.html or call 518-512-9747. The Hispanic Coalition NY is committed to empowering through education and by serving as a forum for engaging the public in a cultural exchange of ideas and views on social, civic, educational, and economic issues affecting the Hispanic-Latino Community. www.HCNewYork.com # # # As the Occupy Wall Street movement expands beyond Liberty Square (Zuccotti Park) in NYC and becomes a global phenomenon, Global Block Music, contributes to the sound track of the movement with the viral OWS Hip Hop Anthem, Occupation Freedom, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3pl0pHJg_l8 and a stirring solidarity performance for 32,500+ people at Foley Sq, on Nov 17 for the 2 month anniversary of the start of the occupation movement http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R5RKTaKz8ts. They were recently asked to take part in the upcoming Occupy Wall Street Benefit Album called , Occupy This Album, which is slated for Winter 2011 realease, and which will feature high profile contributions from artists like, Crosby and Nash, Jackson Browne and Third Eye Blind. |
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is the informational blog of the Global Block Network. "Global Block" ...harnessing the spirit of innovation, creativity and activism to transform communities, block by block... Archives
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